About Me


My name is Trymon Lee; a native of Richmond, Virginia with a passion for Photography and Videography. I’ve always had an eye for spotting out the beauty in the smallest things. I enjoy bringing out the fine details of a subject and making my photos as vibrant and realistic as possible. I love to create any chance I get. I started my journey in about 2015 and I didn’t even have a camera of my own. My parents always had a few digitalis cameras lying around the house collecting dust. So, one day while feeling highly creative and motivated. I grabbed one and haven’t looked back since. I was completely hooked, bought my first camera a few months later. A bright red Canon T5 Rebel DSLR. Since then I’ve upgraded to the Sony A7IV. The difference is night and day of course. I’ve gained my experience over the years on my own, but I’m not opposed to constructive criticism. I live for gaining knowledge from individuals more experienced than myself. That being said, I know my way around but I am humble enough to know I have a lot more to learn. I look forward to working with you all in the future. To all of my creatives out there remember the sky is the limit. Don’t forget that most ideas seem crazy until they actually work. Stay motivated, tell your loved ones how much you care and most of all don’t stop creating.